Call of duty modern warfare 2 pc download skidrow
Call of duty modern warfare 2 pc download skidrow

call of duty modern warfare 2 pc download skidrow call of duty modern warfare 2 pc download skidrow

Many PC systems will not recognize the content on the second one.Ģ) You will have to register at Steam and download missing files - the download can easily be a multi-hour hassle.ģ) Generally installing is anything but "easy and casual". Here are some of the problems with the game that you may encounter if you decide to purchase it:ġ) The game comes in two DVDs. MW2 is currently practically unplayable (and will likely remain so) and the game is not worth your money. QUOTEModern Warfare 2 is a straight console port, except it works much worse on the PC than on consoles. Here is all the information you need about how bad it really is sigh stupid consoles making the game have P2P severs. AND WTF NO DEDICATED SERVERS? When did this happen? now pings will go up x2.

Call of duty modern warfare 2 pc download skidrow