Who is tom in bird box
Who is tom in bird box

who is tom in bird box

Taking a closer look at the film's key characters, you'll notice that each of their traits represent personalities of people we most likely have all encountered: And I took hella notes, so here's everything I unpacked from the film: Characters Once I began watching it through a more figurative lens, I developed a newfound appreciation for the film and it's overall message. Watching it for a second time opened my eyes (no pun intended) to some things I hadn't picked up on the first go-round. But that was me looking at the film from a literal standpoint. Like, where did this thing even come from and why? And walking around everywhere blindfolded? So unrealistic.

who is tom in bird box

As someone who is all too familiar with the impact a person's mental health can have on their desire to live, the idea of people becoming possessed by some random, invisible force causing them to commit suicide out of nowhere was just a little too out of touch for my taste. For starters, the whole mass suicide thing didn't sit well with me.

who is tom in bird box

So I watched this movie twice and I'm not gonna lie, the first time I thought it was trash (my initial rating was half a star, and that's only because I love Sandra Bullock). Now that we got that lil disclaimer out of the way. If my synopsis intrigued you enough to watch the movie, I highly advise you to stop reading, take a two-hour Netflix break and go do that (then come back and finish reading) because the remainder of this post is literally nothing but spoilers. In order to survive, Malorie and her children must remain indoors with the windows covered and eventually travel for two days by boat down a raging river - completely blindfolded - to seek refuge. For those of you who have never seen or heard of it, it's about a woman named Malorie (Bullock) who fights to protect herself and her two children from an ominous, unseen entity (that only dwells outdoors) that causes whomever looks at it to commit suicide (very disturbing, I know). On Christmas night I gave in to the hype and watched Bird Box, the new Netflix Original starring Sandra Bullock.

Who is tom in bird box